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Get Moving

Get Out There and Move!

Exercise Options to Keep You Healthy, Fit and Happy


Exercise is critical to overall health; physical, mental and emotional.

Yet many people aren’t in the habit of making time for regular exercise. For some, an injury or chronic condition may be an issue.


For others, it’s never been a priority, or they’ve exercised over the years, but inconsistently. The bad news is, if you’re not exercising regularly you’re not doing yourself any favors! The good news is (and there’s always good news) you don’t have to have the dedication of an elite athlete to benefit from exercise. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about what might work for you:

Need something easy and gentle?

    • Mall walking
    • Swimming
    • Water aerobics
    • Tai Chi
    • Yoga
    • Fencing

Looking for something more challenging?

    • Adult sport league
    • Volleyball
    • Basketball
    • Softball/baseball
    • Flag football
    • Golf
    • Weight lifting

Already pretty fit? Add these to your repertoire.  

      • Running
      • CrossFit
      • Kickboxing
      • Martial arts
      • Triathlon
      • Marathon/mini marathon

A common roadblock is time. The fact of the matter is, if you can carve out even 15 minutes a day you’ll benefit! Do that five days a week and you’ve racked up over an hour of exercise – it may not earn you a spot at the Olympics but every minute counts toward better quality of life.

Can’t quite manage to squeeze in time during the week? Hit the road early Saturday morning for a two hour walk or bike ride, or drop into the gym for a class.

There are options and opportunities. You just have to decide that your health and well-being, today and tomorrow, are worth the investment. Still not sure what would be best for you? Give us a call!

We’ll address any injuries or chronic conditions you have, discuss what your exercise options are, provide physical therapy if necessary, and prepare your body for regular exercise with a conditioning routine. We offer complimentary consultations…so what are you waiting for?

Let’s get moving! 561-278- 6055

Miller PT and Team

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