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Miller Physical Therapy - Our Healthy Living (Thriving!) Blog

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Shoulder pain is a common injury seen in physical therapy. The phrase “frozen shoulder” is often used to describe a stiff and painful shoulder. What is a frozen shoulder? Understand the causes and the available treatments below. Questions? See us to get all the answers you are seeking! Sarah Noll Wilson started feeling the sharp pain in her right shoulder last July any time she would try to reach her arm behind her. “It got to the point where it was ...
Posted on 2022-04-02
Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed. What the heck even is this? A bursa is a closed, fluid-filled sac that works as a cushion and gliding surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body. The major bursae (this is the plural of bursa) are located next to the tendons near joints. A common location for bursitis is the foot, especially among athletes. Below you can understand how to prevent foot bursitis and how to treat it — and we can help!  Foot bursit...
Posted on 2022-03-02
Inflammation can be both good and bad. However, some foods contain ingredients that can trigger or worsen inflammation. Some of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation come not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store. Read on to learn how to boost your diet throughout the year. Remember - we have a nutritionist on our staff, always at the ready to assist you with your choices, shopping lists -- and all your dietary questions and concerns. Berries and watermelon in the summer...
Posted on 2022-02-02
It’s the start of a New Year — a time to reflect on the past year and reevaluate your current lifestyle. New Year’s resolutions are the perfect time to make changes, set goals, and focus on the most important aspects of your life. If you’re facing an injury or limited mobility, it might feel hard to be motivated to get back on exercising. With the guidance of your physical therapist here at Miller PT and the tips below, you can start the year safely exercising and ...
Posted on 2022-01-02
Sprains and strains are considered soft tissue injuries. They occur when the body is put under physical stress. Generally, when they happen in these situations, muscles and joints are forced to perform movements for which they are not prepared or designed. Many patients with musculoskeletal injuries get confused about the difference between a strain and a sprain. Your physical therapist here at Miller PT can show and explain to you the difference between what a sprain and a strain...
Posted on 2021-12-02
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